The Peterborough County Cattlemen extend an invitation to you and your family to join us on August 10, 2024 at the farm of Scott & Paula Cornish & Family at 2295 Hwy 7, Indian River, for the 42nd annual barbecue.
The fun begins at 1PM with the Peterborough County 4H Beef members holding their Achievement Day. Come out and support our youth as they compete for the champion showperson and champion animal for the year.
At the conclusion of the 4H show, there will be the Peterborough County Market Animal Show & Sale.
Our delicious Ontario Beef barbecue will begin at 5PM. Bring your lawnchairs and be prepared to enjoy an outstanding meal. We encourage everyone to bring their own plates and cutlery, but will have those items available to use on site.
Advance tickets will be available. If interested in purchasing a ticket(s) please send an email to peterboroughcountycattlemen@gmail.com, or pleahy@nexicom.net or contact any Cattlemen Director. Cash or debit only! Hope to see you there!