Our Vision:
We envision all farmers working together
to create a vibrant future for farming
in Peterborough
1. Welcome participation by Peterborough farmers who
subscribe to the Roundtable Vision and
are willing to dedicate time to be actively involved
2. Encourage a focus on common ground - identifying local challenges and developing practical solutions together
3. Provide a united voice for farms in Peterborough on local issues that affect the future viability and sustainability of the sector
Founded in 2018, the Ag Roundtable held two major farm-focused events in its first two years - in December 2018 and February 2020. Farmers from across the County were invited to identify priorities for action at the local level.
One clear concern was the need for better communication within the community - especially in light of the discontinuation of the long-standing Peterborough County Agri-Notes publication in fall 2018.
As a result, this website and the Peterborough Ag News electronic newsletter were developed to provide an avenue for all farmers to keep in touch with local organizations through news and events, and to provide basic information of interest to all farmers in the County. Subscribe on the home page.
The other four major areas of concern for local farmers were: public education about farming, economic development, succession and new farmers and protection of farmland for farming.
The Roundtable in 2022 developed two new programs to continue to support farm community priorities: an annual Farm Showcase Tour to familiarize local decision-makers with the farm community, and an Innovation Award.
View an infographic of our accomplishments - 2018 to 2021 - here:
Contact: ptboagroundtable@gmail.com
This website was made possible by a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough, as well as funding and in-kind support from local organizations and Ag Roundtable members.