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REMINDER: Peterborough County Cattlemen & Victoria Beef Farmers - Certified Stocker Sale

REMINDER:   Certified calf sale taking place on November 6, 2024.  Contact Wayne Telford 705 292 9531

 Pre-conditioning stocker calves is the best way to get the most money for those stocker calves that you've been watching grow all summer. To ensure your animals will be ready for the upcoming certified sale, being hosted by the Peterborough Cattlemens & Victoria Beef Farmers, please review the following requirements.  To receive a copy of this document to complete and sign, please send an email to the


Peterborough Cattlemen’s – Victoria Beef Farmers Annual All Vaccinated Fall Calf Sale
November 6 th 2024 10:00 am
Entry requirements for certified sale
Calves must be consigned to Wayne Telford or Jim King by Sept.30 2024
Castration – All male calves must be properly castrated by Oct 1 2024 and properly healed
by sale date.
If discovered after the animals are sold that they prove not to be castrated properly (As verified by a third party veterinarian} seller will pay the cost of having a veterinarian properly castrate animal(s).
Horns -It is preferred that all calves be properly dehorned by no later than Oct 1 2024
Mandatory Vaccinations
Animals are required to be vaccinated for but not limited to: (IBR P13 BVD BRS) plus HS Killed Vaccination: First shot by Sept 30’2024. Booster no later than Oct.15,2024
(eg. Triangle 10 or Cattlemaster Gold FP5) .Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines
Live Vaccination: Vaccinated by Oct.15,2024
(eg. Bovishield Gold one shot or Pyramid FP 5 + Presponse) . Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines.
Other Vaccinations: A shot of HS (eg.Ultrabac 7 /Somnubac or Fermicon 7/Somnugn) must also be given to all calves done with killed or live vaccine.  

Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines.
SUMMARY: Killed vaccinations require 3 shots. Live vaccinations require 2 shots A photocopy of receipt of vaccine purchase is required. Wayne Telford 705 292 9531

Peterborough Cattlemen’s – Victoria Beef Farmers
Annual All Vaccinated Fall Calf Sale
November 6 th 2024 10:00 am
Entry requirements for certified sale
Calves must be consigned to Wayne Telford or Jim King by Sept.30 2024
Castration – All male calves must be properly castrated by Oct 1 2024 and properly healed
by sale date.
If discovered after the animals are sold that they prove not to be
castrated properly (As verified by a third party veterinarian} seller will
pay the cost of having a veterinarian properly castrate animal(s)
Horns -It is preferred that all calves be properly dehorned by no later than Oct 1 2024
Mandatory Vaccinations
Animals are required to be vaccinated for but not limited to: (IBR P13 BVD BRS) plus HS
Killed Vaccination: First shot by Sept 30’2024. Booster no later than Oct.15,2024
(eg. Triangle 10 or Cattlemaster Gold FP5) .Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines
Live Vaccination: Vaccinated by Oct.15,2024
(eg. Bovishield Gold one shot or Pyramid FP 5 + Presponse) . Consult your veterinarian for
proper vaccines.
Other Vaccinations: A shot of HS (eg.Ultrabac 7 /Somnubac or Fermicon 7/Somnugn)
must also be given to all calves done with killed or live vaccine. Consult your veterinarian for
proper vaccines.
SUMMARY: Killed vaccinations require 3 shots. Live vaccinations require 2 shots
A photocopy of receipt of vaccine purchase is required. Wayne Telford 705 292

Commission ; $15.00 Yardage : $2.00 Jim King 705 374 4004


Certified Vaccinated Fall Calf Sale Wednesday November 6 th 2024 @ 10am
At the Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn (Woodville)
Name: ____________________________ Phone: _________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________________________________ Trucker:____________________________
Breed or Description # of Steers # of Heifers Approx. Weight

CATTLE INFORMATION Tag #’s____________________________
Age Verified Yes/ No
Is your cow herd on a vaccinated program Yes / No
Number of years on a vaccinated program ________
Vaccine Type Killed / Live
Verified Beef Production + (VBP +) Certified Yes/ No
Dehorning Date: Method of dehorning:
Castration Date: Method of Castration:
Vaccination: Product Name (attach invoice or copy)

Date of 1 st injection:
Date of 2 nd injection:
Other Vaccinations: i.e. Blackleg or Presponse Date:
Other Treatments: (i.e Parasite Control) Date:
Grain: Hay:
Weaning Date (if calves) Other Comments
I understand that if one or more of my animals fail to meet the requirements of this sale as discovered after
delivery to the sale barn that the sale committee has the right to reject my entire consignment from selling in

---------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________
Signature Dat

Season Extension with Circle Organic

Event date

Explore season extension in action at Circle Organic, a certified organic, four-season family farm in Millbrook, Ontario. This event is offered in collaboration with the Ignatius Farm New Farmer Training Program and is free for registered participants. 

$10 - 25 Sliding Scale | Ignatius Farm New Farmer Training Participants free!

We’ll learn from farmer Julie Fleming about Circle Organic's innovative techniques for extending the growing season into the winter:

Season Extension: Learn about their use of greenhouses and row covers to allow for four-season production

Succession Planting: See how they ensure continuous harvests by carefully timing plantings

Cold Storage Techniques: Tour their low-energy root cellar designed for long-term storage of harvested produce

This tour offers practical knowledge and inspiration for farmers and gardeners curious about maximizing production during the fall and winter seasons.

Registration is not required
Millbrook ON

Peterborough Agricultural Profile 2024

Need a better understanding of farming in our area?

Peterborough County Federation of Agriculture in cooperation with Kawartha Lakes Haliburton Federation of Agriculture retained Planscape to update the understanding of the state of agriculture in these two municipalities. The report also describes relevant trends that will support decision making regarding future agricultural policies and initiatives.

The Report (including a brief Executive Summary) is now available on the Peterborough Roundtable's AgNews website here:

Webinar: Farmland Protection Options with OFT

Event date

Join OFT’s Farmland Conservation Ecologist, Joel Enman and OFT’s Board Member and Land Committee Chair, Megan Mills to explore farmland protection options with OFT.

This webinar is part of a series of upcoming webinars. Click the link for more info:



Registration is required

Third Annual Farm Showcase Tour

On September 19, the Peterborough Agricultural Roundtable hosted local elected officials, staff and agricultural leaders on a bus trip to visit two local farms. The Annual Tour familiarizes participants with farming in the area, ensuring local decision-makers have a good understanding of local agricultural issues.

Participants visited with Mike, Lisa and Cole Fallis at the Fallis Land and Cattle Farm and also toured McLean Berry Farm with Erin McLean. They learned about challenges faced by these farms and also about production of cattle, fruits and vegetables. The farmers talked about their own family stories. See pictures from the Tour here:

The thirty-four participants had a chance to hear from several speakers at lunch and received a package of excellent information about our local agricultural community. The Farm Showcase Tour is an annual event, visiting different farms each year and providing a flavour of the range of farms in the County.

This event was made possible with sponsorship by Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development.

Peterborough County Cattlemen & Victoria Beef Farmers - Stocker Sale Information

Pre-conditioning stocker calves is the best way to get the most money for those stocker calves that you've been watching grow all summer. To ensure your animals will be ready for the upcoming certified sale, being hosted by the Peterborough Cattlemens & Victoria Beef Farmers, please review the following requirements.  To receive a copy of this document to complete and sign, please send an email to the


Peterborough Cattlemen’s – Victoria Beef Farmers Annual All Vaccinated Fall Calf Sale
November 6 th 2024 10:00 am
Entry requirements for certified sale
Calves must be consigned to Wayne Telford or Jim King by Sept.30 2024
Castration – All male calves must be properly castrated by Oct 1 2024 and properly healed
by sale date.
If discovered after the animals are sold that they prove not to be castrated properly (As verified by a third party veterinarian} seller will pay the cost of having a veterinarian properly castrate animal(s).
Horns -It is preferred that all calves be properly dehorned by no later than Oct 1 2024
Mandatory Vaccinations
Animals are required to be vaccinated for but not limited to: (IBR P13 BVD BRS) plus HS Killed Vaccination: First shot by Sept 30’2024. Booster no later than Oct.15,2024
(eg. Triangle 10 or Cattlemaster Gold FP5) .Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines
Live Vaccination: Vaccinated by Oct.15,2024
(eg. Bovishield Gold one shot or Pyramid FP 5 + Presponse) . Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines.
Other Vaccinations: A shot of HS (eg.Ultrabac 7 /Somnubac or Fermicon 7/Somnugn) must also be given to all calves done with killed or live vaccine.  

Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines.
SUMMARY: Killed vaccinations require 3 shots. Live vaccinations require 2 shots A photocopy of receipt of vaccine purchase is required. Wayne Telford 705 292 9531

Peterborough Cattlemen’s – Victoria Beef Farmers
Annual All Vaccinated Fall Calf Sale
November 6 th 2024 10:00 am
Entry requirements for certified sale
Calves must be consigned to Wayne Telford or Jim King by Sept.30 2024
Castration – All male calves must be properly castrated by Oct 1 2024 and properly healed
by sale date.
If discovered after the animals are sold that they prove not to be
castrated properly (As verified by a third party veterinarian} seller will
pay the cost of having a veterinarian properly castrate animal(s)
Horns -It is preferred that all calves be properly dehorned by no later than Oct 1 2024
Mandatory Vaccinations
Animals are required to be vaccinated for but not limited to: (IBR P13 BVD BRS) plus HS
Killed Vaccination: First shot by Sept 30’2024. Booster no later than Oct.15,2024
(eg. Triangle 10 or Cattlemaster Gold FP5) .Consult your veterinarian for proper vaccines
Live Vaccination: Vaccinated by Oct.15,2024
(eg. Bovishield Gold one shot or Pyramid FP 5 + Presponse) . Consult your veterinarian for
proper vaccines.
Other Vaccinations: A shot of HS (eg.Ultrabac 7 /Somnubac or Fermicon 7/Somnugn)
must also be given to all calves done with killed or live vaccine. Consult your veterinarian for
proper vaccines.
SUMMARY: Killed vaccinations require 3 shots. Live vaccinations require 2 shots
A photocopy of receipt of vaccine purchase is required. Wayne Telford 705 292

Commission ; $15.00 Yardage : $2.00 Jim King 705 374 4004


Certified Vaccinated Fall Calf Sale Wednesday November 6 th 2024 @ 10am
At the Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn (Woodville)
Name: ____________________________ Phone: _________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________________________________ Trucker:____________________________
Breed or Description # of Steers # of Heifers Approx. Weight

CATTLE INFORMATION Tag #’s____________________________
Age Verified Yes/ No
Is your cow herd on a vaccinated program Yes / No
Number of years on a vaccinated program ________
Vaccine Type Killed / Live
Verified Beef Production + (VBP +) Certified Yes/ No
Dehorning Date: Method of dehorning:
Castration Date: Method of Castration:
Vaccination: Product Name (attach invoice or copy)

Date of 1 st injection:
Date of 2 nd injection:
Other Vaccinations: i.e. Blackleg or Presponse Date:
Other Treatments: (i.e Parasite Control) Date:
Grain: Hay:
Weaning Date (if calves) Other Comments
I understand that if one or more of my animals fail to meet the requirements of this sale as discovered after
delivery to the sale barn that the sale committee has the right to reject my entire consignment from selling in

---------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________
Signature Date

Hereford Fall Round Up Sale

Mark Saturday, October 5, 2024 on your calendars and plan to make a trip to the Hoards Station Sales barn to attend the annual Hereford Fall Round Up Sale.  There is always a great set of Hereford cattle assembled by the Hereford breeders.  There is something on offer, no matter what you are looking for, heifer calves, bred heifers, cows and bulls.   Click on the url to view the online catalogue.

Grass-Fed Beef and Pastured Poultry with Aird Family Farm

Event date

Monday, Sept 30 | 5 - 7pm

$10 - 20 sliding scale. Kids free

Register here:

Join Aird Family Farm and Farms at Work for an evening exploring grass-fed beef and pastured poultry in Northumberland County. Established in 1885 and now in its fifth generation of family ownership, Aird Family Farm has practiced regenerative farming for the past 10 years. 

Grass-Fed Beef: get up close with Aird's herd of black angus cattle, raised on 100% grass-fed diet

Pastured Poultry: Learn about their pasture-raised meat birds and laying hens, which thrive on diverse, untreated pastured and organic feed

Regenerative Pasture Management: Gather insight into effective pasture management practices, including rotational grazing, which work to enhance soil health, ecosystem resilience, and on-farm biodiversity

Come experience the thoughtful balance between traditional farming values and modern sustainable techniques that make Aird Family Farm a model of regenerative agriculture. Whether you're a farmer or local food enthusiast, this tour offers a unique opportunity to connect with the land, animals, and the Aird family’s legacy of stewardship. 


Registration is required