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Peterborough Agricultural Roundtable

Innovation Award Nomination Form

Status message


  1. You will need to complete the entire form before you can “Submit” online, using the button at the bottom of the page. You can save a draft version and come back to complete it later. The draft is saved for 5 days and requires a cookie stored on your device. Just return to the form to continue.
  2. A confirmation with a copy of the application will be sent to the email address you provide in Section A. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, they will not know about the nomination unless you contact them.
  3. If needed, you may download and print a copy of the nomination form (see Download button at the bottom of this page). A hand-completed form can be mailed to the address on the form.

A: Nominator’s Information:

NOTE: You can nominate yourself.

Relation to Nominee
Does the nominee know you are submitting this nomination?

B. Nominee’s Info:

(if any)

C. Description of Innovation (15 points)

Upload requirements

D. Benefits of the Innovation (5 points)

Tick all that apply

What benefits has this innovation resulted in?

E. Wider application of the Innovation (5 points)